Whipped Tallow Balm by Kiss Me in The Kitchen Skin Care

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It’s the best thing for your skin! Nutrient rich, non-greasy, absorbs like a dream and won’t clog pores. It’s no wonder why it’s been used for thousands of years. Tallow contains Vitamins; A, B12, E, D and K. As well as, Omega 3, which soothes irritation, and Conjugated Linoleic Acid which strengthens your skin barrier and plumps you up! Tallow is
capable of naturally healing scars, wrinkles, and clearing up a myriad of skin conditions like; acne, eczema and psoriasis. You’ll feel the difference immediately, moisture that lasts all day and all night.

The Kiss Me In The Kitchen concept is, a scrumptious, non-toxic, almost edible (but not recommended) moisturizer that can be used anywhere on your body, from head to toe. What goes on your skin, goes in your skin. Why not feed the largest organ of your body the
same nutrients you put in your body and cut out the toxic middleman altogether! Your KMITK will last at room temperature for at least a year.

INGREDIENTS: Grass-Fed Beef Tallow, Jojoba oil, Citrus essential oils.


  • Vitamin E - anti-aging superhero
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid - strengthens your skin barrier and improves moisture content for supple, smooth skin
  • Omega-3 - moisturizes skin from the inside out and soothes irritation
  • Vitamin A - stimulates the production of fibroblasts which provide structure to your skin and keep it strong as you age
  • Vitamin B12 - reduces redness and is used as an ingredient in cell reproduction
  • Vitamin D & K - optimizes skin's immune system and eases eczema and acne, improves circulation to reduce dark circles, bruises and redness. 

